Crows Feet
Whether it’s from smiling, laughing, talking, or the environment in general such as over exposure to the sun or smoking, the face is subject to a lot of wear and tear daily, particularly around the eyes. As our muscles expand and contract under the skin, the overlying skin becomes stretched, eventually losing elasticity. Combined with loss of collagen in the skin as we age, this can result in lines forming at the corner of the eyes, commonly known as “crow’s feet”.
One of the best treatments for crow’s feet is “anti-wrinkle injections” (Botox®), which relax the muscles and achiever a tighter, more youthful appearance. This can be combined with Polynucleotides which are a revolutionary treatment that stimulate natural collagen regeneration and promotes overall skin rejuvenation working beautifully with the Botox® enhancing its longevity and effect.